Happy Spring! We are officially in the 3rd week of it now. While no one envisioned their spring to start off this way, all we can do is try to make the best of it. I have been thoroughly enjoying noticing all of the beautiful flowers popping up around my house and loving it as the days get longer. 

Now would probably be about the time of year that I would try to make a great and nonboring blog about “Spring Cleaning Your Finances”. However, with all the uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus right now, I don’t think that’s what anyone needs. Instead, let’s talk about spring cleaning your mind and your space! 

Keeping Healthy

There is obviously a huge focus on physical health right now. There should also be a big focus on mental health as well. I’m not even going to pretend to know too much about what is going through the minds of people across the nation. Everyone is being affected differently right now. If you are feeling stressed for one of the many reasons out there right now, make sure to take care of your mental health in whatever way is best for you. Below are a couple of easy suggestions. 

If you are feeling a bigger strain on your mental health right now, reach out to a professional. There are many online services available during this current crisis. 


Spring Clean Your Space

Yes, I know this is not a new idea; however, I don’t think it has ever been more relevant. With so many people working from home or having to stay inside with their whole family, a clean slate might be just what you need. 


Do you part and stay inside to help our community!