Who is excited for the New Year? For me, it feels like this is the first year that I will really be marking my year in January. I graduated last December but with the whirlwind of everything going on, I was still in the mindset that my year began in August with the start of a new school year. With that in mind, I decided I wanted to set up some goals for myself for 2020.  

Many think that New Year's Resolutions are overrated, and I tend to agree. I don't want to make any extravagant goals.  The beginning of a new year can have so much going on, it can be hard to keep up with a strict goal such as making it to the gym every day of the week or eating perfectly healthy.  

Simple Goals

Instead of making one really big, really hard to achieve goal, I want to make a few simple goals to work on throughout the year.  

Goal 1Improve my cooking. I want to take a cooking class at some point during the year. Maybe with some friends as a fun activity to do together. For this goal, I also want to try making one or two new recipes a month depending on time.  

Goal 2: Start a travel fund. Over the next year, I want to determine a reasonable amount that I can put aside every month into a travel fund. I'm going to leave it generic at first and set a goal I would like to reach.  

Goal 3: Make time for friends while balancing time for myself. As this year is coming to a close, I've gotten to see friends and family and been able to do a lot of cool things. However, I lost a little bit of balance. I reserved a lot more time for other people and then the only time I had for myself was taken over by studying. In the new year, I hope to set aside some time every week that won't be for chores or studying. It will just be for me to relax, maybe do some yoga, and enjoy time by myself.  

My plan is to get a journal just for my goal progress and once a week I will sit down and write down any ways I worked on one of my goals.  

What are your goals for the new year? Whether they are financial, family, or health related, give yourself some credit for the things you are already doing well and make the best of the new year.  

Happy holidays from all us here at Oxford Planning Group!