It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to Oxford Planning Group. The firm was founded by Shaun M. Eddy, CFP®, MSFA, AIF®, who has over 25 years of experience in financial planning and investment solutions.   At Oxford Planning Group, we are "Focused on Your Tomorrows".  


Planning needs change regularly - whether its a new job or business, a new-born or adopted child, a marriage or divorce or other new opportunities, Oxford is ready to handle the details.  In a society that has become busier every year and has many things competing for our time, we at Oxford are aware that keeping track of personal and business financial issues becomes more challenging every day.  We strive to give clients back some of the time they are currently spending in these areas and to help simplify and streamline much of their planning and investment needs.


Across many industries we are seeing rapidly advancing technologies desiged to reduce the costs associated with business transactions.  At the grocery store you have automated check out machines, at banks you have ATM machines and in many businesses its nearly impossible to talk to a live person.  At Oxford, we look first to the needs of our clients.  Our services and processes are build around our clients needs first, and then we look for innovative solutions that enhance the quality of those services.    


In closing, we look forward to working with you for many years to come and we thank you for your confidence in our firm and its services.  If you do not currently work with us, please take the time to learn more.  Our web site includes our contact info and there is never a charge for an initial meeting.  At Oxford, we believe you will be impressed by our unique way of working with our clients.