Brown and White Bear Plush Toy

Today's blog is a little different.  It’s not finance related, but it’s certainly about your welfare and the welfare of your friends and family.  Today we had the opportunity to participate in a "Stop the Bleed" course at our office.  This course was designed to help train bystanders how to stop life threatening bleeding while waiting for emergency responders to arrive. So, because I'm in the first aid mindset, I thought I'd write a short piece on situations you may encounter at work or home. My purpose in this blog is to give you an idea of what you may encounter, and the types of training that are useful to be prepared for these situations.  This blog is not intended in any way as specific instruction of what to do in these situations. It is just my take away from the training I have received. 

Any number of emergencies can occur during your average day no matter where you work or what you do for a living. Here are a few (by no means a complete list) of the types of emergencies you may encounter and what may be needed.

The first thing to do for any emergency is to call 911 or direct someone to call for you if emergency treatment is needed.  Additionally, do you have emergency numbers posted around your home or office where easily found?

Unconscious person

 Cuts or injuries.

Allergic Reactions




There are of course many more situations that can occur, but these are some of the most common ones.  Additionally, each of the above has relatively easy sources of training available to be considered.  In all cases any person aiding a victim should always consider their own safety first.

The American Red Cross, some local Fire Stations and other private organizations offer courses in the above emergency procedures and many more.  We recommend CPR training for everyone because it is such a valuable skill to have and the classes only take a couple of hours.

Red Cross CPR Classes

Stop the Bleed Classes